17 May 2019

Under-Qualification is Obviously BETTER!

*strong language need apply*

I'm officially fed up. Why is it that if one person who doesn't even try at something, just gets to win. Like when you're in a bookstore and a bestselling author just released a really great book, but then some youtuber, with no writing experience whatsoever publishes something that same day. The sales for the author, who has released 5 different books, studied for years for this exact profession, gets beat out by someone who decided late one night, "you know what would get me a lot more fans? A book! LET'S WRITE A BOOK!" *sigh* Like legit it's just pictures in a book, not effort whatsoever... BEST SELLER! NO ONE HAS WRITTEN A BOOK QUITE LIKE THIS ONE! HOW ORIGINAL!! no... just no.... There are people out there who legit spend all of their lives for something like this, get shot down because some dumbass thinks "writing" a book sounds like a fun idea. And things like this happen all the time, so I'm going to take a deep breath and get to some randomness... it may or may not have been inspired by something. :D

Image result for dog gets elected mayor

P.S. no hate on the dog
the only thing he's guilty
of is being to adorable!
P.P.S. oh look I remembered
that this exists!!

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