18 May 2019

An Ode to Mario Cart

I was trying to think of what could be the most randomest thing that I could talk about on a Saturday Morning after ranting yesterday... and then it hit me! Mario Cart! More specifically the one for the Wii. Now before you say What about the new ones!! Blah Blah Blah!! It's forever going to be the one on the Wii. Because of this one reason alone... I was BOSS at it! It was one of those games that meant life and death for those who played it, right along side UNO. Y'all know what I'm talking about, the one game that no one lets up on even for the 7-year-old who decided is was a good idea to join in for a change. Even when you're playing alone, like the sad child you are... you still find time to yell at the computers for cheating. It always makes me swoon to think of it. To conclude, it's one of those things that you force down the throat of your own child because it was your favorite game, so they have to like it as well, and you just want to put your kid in their place! Forever in second place.


Image result for haiku to mario kart

1 comment:

  1. I can relate so hard! We need to have a Mario cart battle one day!! I’m boss as Luigi on a bike (`ω´)
