22 May 2019

Diary or Journal?

Okay, so it's been recently brought to my attention that I'm an asshole for thinking that calling the notebook that I write my thoughts, ideas, and other random crap in, a journal and not a diary. Just because I said that dairies are for kids and I just have a journal. And then I had to go and defend myself on why I think the way I do. Like why would I even have to justify myself to something so utterly idiotic? But, it got myself on the think train (choo, choo). That why is it such a bad thing to have a journal and not a diary... what am I going to be in my 80's still writing: Dear Diary? No! So, here's a question to anyone deciding to read Why Not?!?! on a Wednesday afternoon when they can be doing much more important shit... Diary or Journal? Am I just an ass who rains on everyone's parade? Or do I truly have some sort of justification to my statement? This is going to be the next dress test! I just know it! (I swear I have a healthy ego ;P)

Image result for random ass pictures