22 May 2019

Diary or Journal?

Okay, so it's been recently brought to my attention that I'm an asshole for thinking that calling the notebook that I write my thoughts, ideas, and other random crap in, a journal and not a diary. Just because I said that dairies are for kids and I just have a journal. And then I had to go and defend myself on why I think the way I do. Like why would I even have to justify myself to something so utterly idiotic? But, it got myself on the think train (choo, choo). That why is it such a bad thing to have a journal and not a diary... what am I going to be in my 80's still writing: Dear Diary? No! So, here's a question to anyone deciding to read Why Not?!?! on a Wednesday afternoon when they can be doing much more important shit... Diary or Journal? Am I just an ass who rains on everyone's parade? Or do I truly have some sort of justification to my statement? This is going to be the next dress test! I just know it! (I swear I have a healthy ego ;P)

Image result for random ass pictures

18 May 2019

An Ode to Mario Cart

I was trying to think of what could be the most randomest thing that I could talk about on a Saturday Morning after ranting yesterday... and then it hit me! Mario Cart! More specifically the one for the Wii. Now before you say What about the new ones!! Blah Blah Blah!! It's forever going to be the one on the Wii. Because of this one reason alone... I was BOSS at it! It was one of those games that meant life and death for those who played it, right along side UNO. Y'all know what I'm talking about, the one game that no one lets up on even for the 7-year-old who decided is was a good idea to join in for a change. Even when you're playing alone, like the sad child you are... you still find time to yell at the computers for cheating. It always makes me swoon to think of it. To conclude, it's one of those things that you force down the throat of your own child because it was your favorite game, so they have to like it as well, and you just want to put your kid in their place! Forever in second place.


Image result for haiku to mario kart

17 May 2019

Under-Qualification is Obviously BETTER!

*strong language need apply*

I'm officially fed up. Why is it that if one person who doesn't even try at something, just gets to win. Like when you're in a bookstore and a bestselling author just released a really great book, but then some youtuber, with no writing experience whatsoever publishes something that same day. The sales for the author, who has released 5 different books, studied for years for this exact profession, gets beat out by someone who decided late one night, "you know what would get me a lot more fans? A book! LET'S WRITE A BOOK!" *sigh* Like legit it's just pictures in a book, not effort whatsoever... BEST SELLER! NO ONE HAS WRITTEN A BOOK QUITE LIKE THIS ONE! HOW ORIGINAL!! no... just no.... There are people out there who legit spend all of their lives for something like this, get shot down because some dumbass thinks "writing" a book sounds like a fun idea. And things like this happen all the time, so I'm going to take a deep breath and get to some randomness... it may or may not have been inspired by something. :D

Image result for dog gets elected mayor

P.S. no hate on the dog
the only thing he's guilty
of is being to adorable!
P.P.S. oh look I remembered
that this exists!!

16 May 2019

This Is New!!

Okay, so this is all new to me! I've gone and created this just because I hadn't realized that Google had the option for this, and I figured what the HELL, WHY NOT?! (HaHa, get the name?) Anyway, I'll post things that are super random here and there, if I even remember that this is here tomorrow!

Image result for random memes

P.S. This isn't even my
favorite font so we'll 
have to just deal with 
this for the time being :(