25 September 2019

It's Been a While... IDC

Wow, yes before my 4 readers bust a brain cell, I'm back! Did I forget that this thing existed? Nope... well not totally. I did forget it for a while, and then when I remembered and I was like nah I'm not feeling it. But I'm board today so I'm back on the grid and y'all four people get to read this random ass crap that you're here for. Speaking of...

We'll just say that it's a success that after all this time I even had the time to just sit and basically talk to myself. We're just gonna talk for a bit about our success failures. So...  for the past few days I was working on a presentation for some class, and as ya'll know here procrastination is KEY!! And so, today was the big day. Long story short we hate clickers, clickers can fracking suck it. NO CLICKERS ON THIS BLOG!! THOSE DAMN THINGS BELONG IN THE UNDER BELLY OF HELL, THE LITTLE MONSTERS! Before you ask a question you probably weren't even thinking, yes I did pull an all nighter running on one and a half hours of sleep and three cups of coffee. hmm... I may or my not have an addiction after this week, thinking we'll go back to tea for a while. Here's a question you most likely won't answer, because I'm a recluse of a blogger with memory loss, but coffee or tea which is better? What kind, if any?
